Tech Recruitment Blog

Tech Talent in AI Industry

TB4HR Team


You can be afraid of robots from Asimov’s novels. You might be enthusiastic about robots that work on cancer research or remove porn from the websites for kids. You can work on great initiatives that will save humanity from killer robots while taking advantage of them finding a cure for cancer. No matter where you stand on machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning all kind of robots are here to stay.

We looked at the landscape of developers and scientists working on making machines smarter to bring you some insights into the industry – enjoy!

Keep on hiring!

Marcin Smolinski
Founder @ Toolbox for HR

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Infographic: Android Developers In Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of Android talent. There are ~28K Android developers from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Macedonia,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. We will be releasing other tech stack statistics soon so keep on checking our blogTwitterLinkedin, and Facebook!
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Infographic: C++ Developers In Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of C++ talent. There are ~106K C++ developers from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Macedonia,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. We will be releasing other tech stack statistics soon so keep on checking our blogTwitterLinkedin, and Facebook!
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Infographic: PHP Developers In Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of PHP talent. There are ~110K PHP developers from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Macedonia,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. We will be releasing other tech stack statistics soon so keep on checking our blogTwitterLinkedin, and Facebook!
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Infographic: JavaScript Developers in Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of JavaScript talent. There are ~131K JavaScript developers from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Macedonia,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro.
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Infographic : Java Developers In Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of Java talent. There are ~146K Java developers from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Macedonia,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro.
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Tech Talent in VR Industry

TB4HR Team


PlayStation VR is being released and it’s another step in the games industry (since I played on ZX Spectrum just 30 years ago). We’re looking forward to seeing Virtual Reality disturbing other industries (healthcare, construction, education etc). We reviewed the VR industry history, trends and analysed tech talent distribution in the biggest markets.
Enjoy it (in 2D)!


Marcin Smolinski
Founder @ Toolbox for HR

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Tips for the interviewers

TB4HR Team


Every candidate is a potential colleague, client, user or a blogger denouncing your recruitment practices. Here are some useful tips that will help you make a great impression.
Interview the way you would like to be interviewed.


Marcin Smolinski
Founder @ Toolbox for HR

Interviewers Infographic
Interviewers Infographic

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