Tech Recruitment Blog

Infographic : Tech Talent in Central Europe

TB4HR Team


We recently made small exercise sizing the markets of Central Europe from the perspective of tech talent. In between Black, Adriatic and Baltic Seas there is a talent pool of ~300K developers with different tech stacks. We will be releasing tech stack statistics soon so keep on checking our blog, Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook!

Keep on recruiting!

Marcin Smolinski
Founder @ Toolbox for HR

PS. Data has been collected using #TB4HRLabs tools and methodologies. #TB4HRLabs is a research department of Toolbox for HR. #TB4HRLabs primary task is to conduct research & analysis in the field of talent market, emerging technologies and future of work. To know more visit

EU Developers Infographic.001 (3)
EU Developers Infographic.002 (3)

Hiring Frontend Developers

Marcin Smolinski


The moment users open websites or apps on the desktop, smartphone or tablet we see beautiful work of Frontend Developers. Frontend Developers code in programming languages such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript with different frameworks so that websites, apps look great and are easy to use…

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Hiring Ruby Developers

TB4HR Team


Ruby is a general-purpose programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. It is easily readable (reads like English), has unsurprising syntax and was created with an idea to ‘keep programmers happy’. It allows for higher productivity and efficiency and for getting product ideas up and running quickly…

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